100 Jahre JFK(4): “When They Killed JFK They Killed America”

Paul Craig Roberts war während der Kennedy-Administration ein White House Fellow, einer jener jungen Leute, die für ein Jahr im Executiv-Büro des Präsidenten arbeiten und die Welt der großen Politik kennenlernen dürfen. Später arbeitete er als stellvertretender Finanzminister für die Regierung Ronald Reagans, als Mitherausgeber des “Wall Street Journals” und Dozent zahlreicher Universitäten. Dr.Roberts als sehr kenntnisreichen Insider der Machtstrukturen Washingtons zu bezeichnen ist sicher nicht übertrieben und insofern hat es Gewicht wenn er sagt “When They Killed JFK They Killed America”:

From his experience with the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Joint Chiefs’ “Operaton Northwoods,” Kennedy concluded that CIA Director Allen Dulles and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Lemnitzer were both crazed by anti-communism and were a danger to Americans and the world.
Kennedy removed Dulles as CIA director, and he removed Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, thus setting in motion his own assassination. The CIA, the Joint Chiefs, and the Secret Service concluded that JFK was “soft on communism.” So did the Bill Buckley conservatives.
JFK was assassinated because of anti-communist hysteria in the military and security agencies.
The Warren Commission was well aware of this. The coverup was necessary because America was locked into a Cold War with the Soviet Union. To put US military, CIA, and Secret Service personnel on trial for murdering the President of the United States would have shaken the confidence of the American people in their own government.
Oswald had nothing whatsoever to do with JFK’s assassination. That is why Oswald was himself assassinated inside the Dallas jail before he could be questioned.
Kennedy intended to pull the US out of Vietnam once he was reelected. He intended to break up the CIA “into one thousand pieces” and curtail the military-security complex that was exploiting the US budget.
And that is why he was murdered.

Den jungen Menschen, die keine Vorstellung von John Kennedy haben, empfiehlt er  seine Rede über Geheimgesellschaften: “Do yourselves favor and listen to this 5 minute, 23 second speech. Try to imagine anyone among the current dolts giving a speech like this. Look how much is said so well in less than 5 and one-half minutes.”
In der Tat – und zusammen mit seiner Rede vor der American University in Washington im Juni 1963  sind dies die Worte – denen er Taten folgen lassen wollte – die ihn das Leben kosteten.

Bis zum Geburtstag John F. Kennedys am 29. Mai werden hier in loser Folge weitere Beiträge über den Mord und seine Nicht-Aufklärung erscheinen.

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