Professor Timothy Leary (1920 – 1996) war seiner Zeit bekanntlich weit voraus. In einem seiner letzten veröffentlichten Texte (geschrieben 1990, überarbeitet 1994) , sah er die “#Occupy Wallstreet”-Generation voraus, die von neuer Kommunikations-Software Gebrauch macht und die Kontrolle durch zentralisierte Regierungen und korrupte Behörden bekämpft. Michael Horowitz and Lisa Rein haben ein Exzerpt daraus auf veröffentlicht.
The Function of Post-Democratic Government
The primary function of a free society in the post-democratic age is the protection of individual freedom from politicians who attempt to limit it.
This individual-freedom movement is new to human history because it is not based on geography, politics, class or religion. It has to do with changes, not in the power structure, not in who controls the police, but in the individual’s mind. It is a “head” revolution: a consciousness-raising affair.
Questioning Authority and Thinking for Yourself
This cultural meme involves intelligence, personal access to information, an anti-ideological reliance on common sense, mental proficiency, consciousness raising, street smarts, intelligent consumerism-hedonism, personal communication skills. The meme is not new. Countercultures go back at least as far as Hermes Trismegistus, and include Socrates and Sappho, Voltaire and Thoreau, Gurdjieff and Ginsberg.
But the rapid spread of this mutational meme from 1960 to 1990 was due to the sudden mass availability of neurochemical and electronic technology. Chemicals and screens spraying electronic information into eyedrums and earballs, activating brains. Suddenly, youth all over the world are wearing jeans and listening to John Lennon’s “Give Peace a Chance.” The individuality meme that swept American youth during the 1960s has infected the world. The McLuhan epidemic keeps spreading.
The signs of this awakening are always the same. Young minds exposed to electronic information suddenly blossom like flowers in the spring. The June 1989 demonstrations in Tiananmen Square were a classic replay of Chicago 1968 and Kent State 1970.
Power, Mao said, comes from the barrel of a gun. That may have been true in the industrial past, but in the cybernetic 1990s the very notion of political power seems anachronistic, kinky, sick. For the new breed, the concept of “political power” is hateful, evil, ghastly. The idea that any group should want to grab domination, authority, supremacy or jurisdiction over others is a primitive perversity – as loathsome and outdated as slavery or cannibalism.
It was not the Berlin Wall of concrete and guard houses that protected the “evil empire”; it was the electronic wall that was easily breached by MTV. McLuhan and Foucault have demonstrated that freedom depends upon who controls the technologies that reach your brain-telephones, the editing facility, the neurochemicals, the screen.
This sudden emergence of humanism and openness on a mass scale is new and revolutionary.
Hier geht es weiter: Mass Individualism Is New
Unterdessen haben die 99% gestern erstmals Krallen gezeigt und mit einem friedlichen Generalstreik den Hafen und das Bankenviertel von Oakland stillgelegt. Auch in der Nacht gingen die Proteste weiter (Livestream), die Polizei hält mit Tränengas und Gummigeschossen dagegen. Was vor sechs Wochen mit ein paar Dutzend Aktivisten begann wächst sich zu einer Massenbewegung aus – nicht nur in der Bay Area, sondern everywhere….