Auf das neue Buch der Reporterlegende Seymour Hersh darf man gespannt sein. In einer zornigen Rede, die er letzte Woche in Qatar hielt, erklärte er, dass hochrangige US-Militärs mit einer Kreuzzugsmentalität die Außenpolitik gekapert hätten. Über die Haltung dieser Kreuzritter gegen den Islam sagte Hersh:
“We’re going to change mosques into cathedrals. And when we get hold of all the oil, nobody’ s going to give a damn.” That’s the attitude: “We’re going to change mosques into cathedrals. That’s an attitude that pervades, I’m here to say, a large percentage of the Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations Command and Stanley McChrystal, the one who got in trouble because of the article in Rolling Stone, and his follow-on, a Navy admiral named McRaven, Bill McRaven — all are members or at least supporters of Knights of Malta. McRaven attended, so I understand, the recent annual convention of the Knights of Malta they had in Cyprus a few months back in November. They’re all believers — many of them are members of Opus Dei. They do see what they are doing — and this is not an atypical attitude among some military — it’s a crusade, literally. They see themselves as the protectors of the Christians. They’re protecting them from the Muslims in the 13th century. And this is their function. They have little insignias, they have coins they pass among each other, which are crusader coins, and they have insignia that reflect that, the whole notion that this is a war, it’s culture war.”
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